Party Information

  1. In the List of Parties section, click Add Party From Another Case to add a party from an existing case, or click Add Party Manually to enter the party’s information.


List of Parties Section


  1. Click Add Party from Another Case to add a party from an existing case or click Add Party Manually to enter new party information.



Refer to the Add Party from Another Case topic for the steps and more information.

Refer to the Add Party Manually topic for the steps and more information.


The added party will be on the List of Parties section.


List of Parties Section - Added Party




  1. Enter information in the following fields in the Questionnaire section:


Questionnaire Section



Fields may differ depending on the selections made and answers provided for the questions.  Similarly, additional fields may be displayed depending on the answers given. 


Debt Currency

Select the debt currency from the dropdown list.  The default currency is Singapore Dollar.



If the user selects a different currency, the Debt SGD equivalent S$ field will be enabled.


Debt Amount

Enter the debt amount.


Debt SGD equivalent S$

Enter the equivalent debt amount in Singapore Dollar.  This field is only enabled if a different currency is selected in the Debt Currency field.


Basis of Presumption of inability to pay Debts

Select the statutory that indicates the Basis of Presumption of inability to pay debts.



Enter the date when the statutory applies or click the calendar icon to pick the date.  This field appears when a Basis of Presumption has been selected.


Have you filed any bankruptcy application against another defendant in respect of the same debt?

Select Yes or No.


If Yes is selected, the user will be prompted to add defendant details.


Have you filed any bankruptcy application against another defendant in respect of the same debt?


Click Add to add the defendant details.  The Party Details window will be displayed.


Party Details Window


Enter the party details in the fields provided, and then click OK.  The defendant details will be listed on the Defendant Details list.


Defendant Details List



To add another defendant, click Add and then fill in the fields provided.

To remove a defendant from the list, mark the corresponding checkbox and then click Delete.


Is it currently anticipated that the Originating Summons to be issued will be served out of jurisdiction?

Select Yes or No.


  1. Click Next.  The Step 2: Form Page will be displayed.


Continue: Bankruptcy Case - Step 2: Form