Filing a Request

Law Firm Users can file a request for the following information relating to a specific case file:


Filing a request follows the 4-step process of the eLitigation system.


To file a request:

  1. Go to the Step 1: Case Information Page.  Refer to Other Types of Filing for the different modes of entry for this request.


  1. Enter the Case No. in the field provided and then click Retrieve. The Document Details section will be displayed.


Step 1: Case Information Page - Filing a Request



If the user clicks the File a Request button in the Documents tab of a case file, the Step 1: Case Information Page will immediately show the Document Details section with the list of documents to choose from.


  1. Select the type of request from the list.



Combining different types of request is not allowed. In instances where the user needs to make multiple requests, a separate submission must be filed for the same case file.


Upon selection of the document, the List of Parties section will be displayed.


List of Parties Section



The user can click the Search Document(s) link to assist him/her with searching through the particular type of request document to be filed.  Refer to the Search Document section for more details.


Continue: Filing a Request